Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Potter Mania 2007, Vol. 1

Yes, I was in the theater at midnight last night with all the other crazies to see the new Harry Potter movie, and yes, my book 7 is pre-ordered. This movie was good, to be sure, but as any fan of the book would be, I was irritated by the changes brought about through the translation onto screen. The Luna Lovegood and Delores Umbridge parts were well-cast, and both actresses did very well. All three of the main characters have come such a long way in their acting, and it shows on screen. Radcliffe most especially is coming into his own and will surely have a strong career after the last two movies are finished. The beginning of the movie worked well for showing his range, as did his struggle at the end (which was not in the book, but seemed to work fairly well for the movie). One annoying aspect for me was that Ron seemed to be mumbling through most of his lines. It may have been the loud theater, but most of what I could hear was quite funny, and I wish it would have been clearer. Oh well, that's why I always buy the movie and watch it at home as loud as I want. Now I get to fight sleep all day at work until I can crash blissfully as soon as I get home today.